
Paulownia is considered as one of the fastest-growing and most profitable plants in the world, which is widely cultivated in East Asia and central Europe, and is referred as “Tree of the future”.

The point is that every detail of the tree can be used in a wide range of industries, from producing timber to producing honey, perfumery to medicine, bio-fuel extraction and so on.

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Why to grow?

Amazing Growth Speed

Paulownia is one of the fastest-growing trees in the world. The height of a one-year tree reaches 3-5 meters, a three-year tree is already 10-15 meters, the maximum height is 15-28 meters, and the circumference of the tree is 20-30 cm.

Paulownia does not need to be transplanted a second time, it is characterized by an amazing regeneration ability and a tree can grow 8-10 times from one root, that's why it is called the "Phoenix plant".

Positive Impact On the Environment

Paulownia cultivation is beneficial for the environment. Its large leaves produce a lot of oxygen, providing 400-500 people with enough air from one hectare.

If you want to produce biofuel, you should know that paulownia is called a “Tree oil well”. With modern technology, we have the ability to obtain 511 liters of ethanol from one tone of dry wood.

The tree itself is used to make wooden pellets, due to the high burning temperature, two kilograms of Poulownia pellets can replace one liter of diesel.

Who Can Grow It?

Paulownia tree is considered as lossless production, I.e. every detail of the wood can be used in a wide range of fields.

You can grow Paulownia if you want to produce wood materials. Since Paulownia is one of the fastest growing trees in the world, it will give you the first timber in 6-8 years after planting. In addition to being a fast-growing tree, Paulownia timber is considered valuable wood material, because its light and durable, does not absorb moisture, and is free from pest infestations.

You should grow Paulownia if you make honey.  Paulownia produces large, cluster-type flowers that are attractive to bees, from one hectare of Paulownia plantation, you can get 700-800 kilograms of honey, which is environmentally friendly and has healing properties.

Paulownia will be a great choice if you have livestock. The tree produces large leaves and the protein content of the leaf is 20% (12% after drying), it is rich in trace elements, and is considered good food for animals. One hectare plantation will give you 35-40 tons of raw material in one year to feed your cattle.

Google Trends

World interest over Paulownia in the 5 year period based on Google Trends data. Clearly visible that there exists continuous interest in it.

Google Trends

What is Paulownia?

Paulownia is one of the fastest-growing trees in the world. The height of a one-year tree reaches 3-5 meters, a three-year tree is already 10-15 meters, and the maximum height is 15-28 meters, and the circumference of the tree is 20-30 cm. Paulownia does not need to be transplanted a second time, it is characterized by an amazing regeneration ability and a tree can grow 8-10 times from one root, that's why it is called the "Phoenix plant".

Originally from China, it was historically cultivated in eastern countries and was actively used as a timber material as well as an ornamental plant. In the East, it is referred to as "Kiri" (桐), and the current name "Paulownia" was named in honor of the Queen of the Netherlands, Anna Pavlovna.

Paulownia history

Paulownia was historically grown in eastern countries, the homeland of origin is China, the oldest document where information about the use of Paulownia can be found dates back to 2600 BC. It has been growing for centuries in Japan and was known as Kiri (桐),  it was considered a sacred tree, a symbol of good fortune.

In 1823, the German scientist and botanist Philipp Franz von Siebold arrived in Japan and brought kiri seeds from Japan to Holland. In Holland, the tree was named "Pulownia" in honor of Anna Pavlovna, the queen of the Netherlands, the daughter of the Russian emperor Paul I.

Philipp Franz von Siebold published the book "Flora Japonica", where the characterization of the tree was described for the first time. In Japan, they liked the European name and they also started using the term "Paulownia". 
Due to its sophistication, Paulownia was considered an Imperial tree, it is found on the coat of arms of the Japanese Imperial Family, as well as on the official coat of arms of the Prime Minister of Japan.

In China, there was a tradition that when a daughter was born in the family, they planted Paulownia trees in her name, and when the daughter was married, they made furniture from this tree for dowries.

Paulownia history
Interest By Country

By looking at the graph you can see that there exists an interest in Paulownia. As shown the highest interest based on Google Trends data is seen in:

Interest By Country
Where is it grown?

Paulownia is an easily adaptable plant and grows well in a variety of soil types. Sandy soil is the most suitable for it, and since the tree grows very quickly and needs a lot of nutrients, it is better if the soil is fertilized with fertilizer.

Paulownia also adapts well to temperature. The minimum temperature in which the plant can survive is -24 degrees and the maximum is +45. The ideal temperature in which the plant thrives best is 24-33 degrees.

Paulownia loves a moist environment, it needs watering for the first two years of its life (20 liters of water per plant for one month). After two years, the plant will develop a good root system and have access to groundwater, you will not need to water the paulownia if the annual rainfall does not fall below the 100 mm mark.

Paulownia does not like strong wind, it is better to plant the plantation where the wind speed does not exceed 28 km/h.

Where is it grown?
Natural Conditions



The plantation is good to be planted in areas without strong winds reaching over 28km/h. When there are stronger winds at the place of planting stabilizing post has to be put during the first year of development until they form thr strong wooden stems. The speed of the wind is dangerous for young plants over 45km/h and such areas have to be avoided.




Paulownia trees prefer a warm and humid climate with temperatures ranging from 15 to 30 degrees Celsius (59 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit) and an annual rainfall of 1000 to 2000 millimeters (39 to 78 inches). They can also tolerate drought, but not frost or temperatures below -5 degrees Celsius (23 degrees Fahrenheit).




When new plantations of Paulownia are to be established, the field is watered well. Then, on the day of planting, new irrigation takes place again with plenty of water, and the next irrigation takes place 2-4 days later. For the next two to three weeks, 10-30 liters of water per day and plants are given daily, then the irrigations are diluted to 1 to 2 per week. For established plantations, it is recommended that in the growth period, irrigate takes place 1 to 2 times a week with 20-50 liters per tree – depending on the size of the tree and the soil/climate conditions.


Paulownia is a highly adaptive species and grows well on many types of soils. Most appropriate and recommended are light, well drained and sandy soils with or without slopes. Most recommended are deep well drained soils with pH from 5.0 to 8.9. Avoid clay, rocky and soaked soils. Soils that are consisted of over 25% of clay and porosity under 50% are not recommended for Paulownia. Paulownia does not tolerate salinity over 1%. Young Paulownia plants develop well when the soil depth is at least 1.5-2 meters.

When to grow it?

The best time to grow paulownia trees is during the spring or early summer when the soil temperature has warmed up and there is ample moisture in the soil. In most regions, this is typically between March and June.

It's important to plant paulownia when there is no risk of frost or freeze, as young paulownia trees are vulnerable to cold temperatures. In addition, it's important to avoid planting during periods of heavy rain or drought, as this can stress the tree and reduce its growth rate.


About us

TreeMan is a company that concentrates on Paulownia, one of the most interesting trees in the world. We aim to help landowners cultivate Paulownia and get a good profit from their land. Paulownia business is a lossless production, every part of it is useful and has a great range of use.

Our hard-working team wants to build strong, trustful and friendly connections with clients, by providing them with high-quality Paulownia seedlings, sharing experience and knowledge. Paulownia tree business will bring you good profit and will be beneficial for the environment as well. Our company is happy to help you and guide you in the world of Paulownia “The Tree Of The Future”.